EIC Survive and Thrive Report

EIC Survive and Thrive Report 2023

We are proud to announce that Alderley has been featured once again in the Energy Industries Council’s (EIC) Survive and Thrive Insight Report for 2023. The Report is a celebrated and valuable annual compendium of global energy industries featuring supply chain capability, thought and market intelligence.  With energy markets around the world booming in the drive for energy security, this year’s Report is particularly timely and welcome.

The Report features an article written by Alderley’s Andrew Charles, Aftermarket Operations and Project Manager, which looks at the company’s recent focus on becoming more agile and responsive to our clients’ evolving needs.  Andrew discusses how changes to the way we do business has enabled us to accelerate innovation and deliver ever more complex domestic and international metering, measurement and digital work.  Andrew mentions how Alderley’s new strategic hires have cemented a more collaborative approach and how the establishment of a new Special Projects division has enabled Alderley to fast-track projects and the innovation cycle

With energy so central to the capacity of the global economy to grow and prosper it’s reassuring to see so many UK and international organisations featured in this year’s Report.

Alderley would like to thank the EIC’s Chief Executive, Stuart Broadley and the EIC team, for leading industry thought with such a valuable Report.  As Stuart Broadley rightly states, it is the supply chain that “leads the way with innovation” and we look forward to working in collaboration with the EIC and its members in the years to come.

Please see Andrew’s feature on see pages 58-59. For further information about Alderley’s work in Aftermarket Operations please contact the team today.